Guild Wars 2



Name Item level Required level Slot
Recipe: Tray of Blackberry Cookies Recipe: Tray of Blackberry Cookies 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Blackberry Pear ComRecipe: Pote Recipe: Tray of Blackberry Pear ComRecipe: Pote 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Blackberry Pies Recipe: Tray of Blackberry Pies 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Cherry Almond Bars Recipe: Tray of Cherry Almond Bars 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Cherry Cookies Recipe: Tray of Cherry Cookies 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Cherry Pies Recipe: Tray of Cherry Pies 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Cherry Tarts Recipe: Tray of Cherry Tarts 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Cherry Vanilla ComRecipe: Pote Recipe: Tray of Cherry Vanilla ComRecipe: Pote 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Bananas Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Bananas 32 25 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Cherries Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Cherries 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Chip Cookies 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Mint Cookies Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Mint Cookies 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Omnomberry Creams Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Omnomberry Creams 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Oranges Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Oranges 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Raspberry Cookies Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Raspberry Cookies 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Raspberry Creams Recipe: Tray of Chocolate Raspberry Creams 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Garlic Bread Recipe: Tray of Garlic Bread 32 25 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Ginger Pear Tarts Recipe: Tray of Ginger Pear Tarts 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Grape Pies Recipe: Tray of Grape Pies 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins Recipe: Tray of Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins 32 25 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Mango Pies Recipe: Tray of Mango Pies 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Mixed Berry Pies Recipe: Tray of Mixed Berry Pies 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Bars Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Bars 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Bread Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Bread 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry ComRecipe: Pote Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry ComRecipe: Pote 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Cookies Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Cookies 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Pies Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Pies 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Tarts Recipe: Tray of Omnomberry Tarts 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Orange Coconut Bars Recipe: Tray of Orange Coconut Bars 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Peach Cookies Recipe: Tray of Peach Cookies 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Peach Pies Recipe: Tray of Peach Pies 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Peach Tarts Recipe: Tray of Peach Tarts 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Pumpkin Bread Recipe: Tray of Pumpkin Bread 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Pumpkin Pies Recipe: Tray of Pumpkin Pies 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Raspberry Peach Bars Recipe: Tray of Raspberry Peach Bars 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Raspberry Peach Bread Recipe: Tray of Raspberry Peach Bread 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Raspberry Peach ComRecipe: Pote Recipe: Tray of Raspberry Peach ComRecipe: Pote 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Rosemary Bread Recipe: Tray of Rosemary Bread 47 40 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Saffron Bread Recipe: Tray of Saffron Bread 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Spiced Bread Recipe: Tray of Spiced Bread 62 55 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Spicy Chocolate Cookies Recipe: Tray of Spicy Chocolate Cookies 82 80 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Apple ComRecipe: Pote Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Apple ComRecipe: Pote 32 25 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Cookies Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Cookies 32 25 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Pies Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Pies 32 25 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Tarts Recipe: Tray of Strawberry Tarts 32 25 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Tarragon Bread Recipe: Tray of Tarragon Bread 82 75 Unlock
Recipe: Tray of Zucchini Bread Recipe: Tray of Zucchini Bread 47 40 Unlock
Recipe[s]: 10 Slot Ogre Bag Recipe[s]: 10 Slot Ogre Bag 15 0 Unlock
Recipe[s]: Arctodus Amulet Recipe[s]: Arctodus Amulet 46 0 Unlock
Recipe[s]: Ascalon Ghost Potion Recipe[s]: Ascalon Ghost Potion 34 0 Unlock