Guild Wars 2



Name Item level Required level Slot
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 70 68 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 75 73 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 80 78 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 82 80 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 66 64 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 72 70 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 78 76 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 82 80 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 66 64 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 74 72 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 77 75 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 64 62 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 71 69 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 78 76 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 82 80 Shield
Cleric's Shield of Accuracy Cleric's Shield of Accuracy 74 72 Shield
Corrupted Bulwark Corrupted Bulwark 82 80 Shield
Cracked Buckler Cracked Buckler 0 0 Shield
Cragstone of Debility Cragstone of Debility 82 80 Shield
Crusader's Shield Crusader's Shield 58 56 Shield
Dark Asuran Shield Dark Asuran Shield 82 80 Shield
Dark Asuran Shield Dark Asuran Shield 82 80 Shield
Dark Asuran Shield Dark Asuran Shield 67 65 Shield
Dark Asuran Shield Dark Asuran Shield 67 65 Shield
Dark Asuran Shield Dark Asuran Shield 67 65 Shield
Dark Asuran Shield Dark Asuran Shield 82 80 Shield
Dark Moon Shield Dark Moon Shield 82 80 Shield
Destroyer Shield Destroyer Shield 82 80 Shield
Diamond Aegis Shield Diamond Aegis Shield 82 80 Shield
Diamond Aegis Shield Diamond Aegis Shield 0 0 Shield
Ebon Vanguard Shield Ebon Vanguard Shield 62 60 Shield
Ebon Vanguard Shield Ebon Vanguard Shield 82 80 Shield
Ebon Vanguard Shield Ebon Vanguard Shield 42 40 Shield
Eidolon of Nullification Eidolon of Nullification 82 80 Shield
Encrusted Shield Encrusted Shield 82 80 Shield
Etched Bulwark Etched Bulwark 22 20 Shield
Explorer's Darksteel Shield Explorer's Darksteel Shield 62 60 Shield
Explorer's Darksteel Shield Explorer's Darksteel Shield 67 65 Shield
Explorer's Destroyer Shield Explorer's Destroyer Shield 82 80 Shield
Explorer's Krait Shell Explorer's Krait Shell 82 80 Shield
Explorer's Mithril Shield Explorer's Mithril Shield 77 75 Shield
Explorer's Mithril Shield Explorer's Mithril Shield 82 80 Shield
Explorer's Ogre Bulwark Explorer's Ogre Bulwark 67 65 Shield
Explorer's Pearl Shell Explorer's Pearl Shell 82 80 Shield
Fen Aegis Fen Aegis 82 80 Shield
Fine Shield Fine Shield 26 24 Shield
Fisher's Shield Fisher's Shield 14 12 Shield
Flame Guard Flame Guard 82 80 Shield
Flame Legion Axe Flame Legion Axe 0 0 Shield
Flame Legion Shield Flame Legion Shield 0 0 Shield