Guild Wars 2



Name Item level Required level Slot
Berserker's Mithril Greatsword Berserker's Mithril Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Berserker's Ogre Longsword Berserker's Ogre Longsword 67 65 Greatsword
Berserker's Pearl Broadsword Berserker's Pearl Broadsword 82 80 Greatsword
Blood Legion Greatsword Blood Legion Greatsword 0 0 Greatsword
Bloodsaw Greatsword Bloodsaw Greatsword 25 23 Greatsword
Bramble Greatedge Bramble Greatedge 82 80 Greatsword
Breath of Flame of Peril Breath of Flame of Peril 82 80 Greatsword
Caladbolg Caladbolg 80 0 Greatsword
Caladbolg Caladbolg 0 0 Greatsword
Caladbolg Caladbolg 0 0 Greatsword
Caladbolg Caladbolg 80 0 Greatsword
Caladbolg Caladbolg 0 0 Greatsword
Carrion Darksteel Greatsword Carrion Darksteel Greatsword 57 55 Greatsword
Carrion Darksteel Greatsword Carrion Darksteel Greatsword 67 65 Greatsword
Carrion Destroyer Greatsword Carrion Destroyer Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Flame Greatsword Carrion Flame Greatsword 62 60 Greatsword
Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water 62 60 Greatsword
Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water 69 67 Greatsword
Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water 76 74 Greatsword
Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water Carrion Flame Greatsword of Water 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 64 62 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 70 68 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 76 74 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 63 61 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 68 66 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 73 71 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 78 76 Greatsword
Carrion Glyphic Longblade Carrion Glyphic Longblade 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 64 62 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 70 68 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 76 74 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 63 61 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 68 66 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 73 71 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 78 76 Greatsword
Carrion Great Steamblade Carrion Great Steamblade 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Krait Slayer Carrion Krait Slayer 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood 64 62 Greatsword
Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood 72 70 Greatsword
Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood 80 78 Greatsword
Carrion Mithril Greatsword Carrion Mithril Greatsword 72 70 Greatsword
Carrion Mithril Greatsword Carrion Mithril Greatsword 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Ogre Longsword Carrion Ogre Longsword 67 65 Greatsword
Carrion Pearl Broadsword Carrion Pearl Broadsword 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood 64 62 Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood 72 70 Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood 80 78 Greatsword