Guild Wars 2


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" | % | ( | 1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | Ã | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Nameсортировать по убыванию Item level Required level Slot
Carrion Steamblade Carrion Steamblade 73 71 Sword
Carrion Steamblade Carrion Steamblade 78 76 Sword
Carrion Steamblade Carrion Steamblade 82 80 Sword
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 64 62 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 70 68 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 76 74 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 82 80 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 63 61 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 68 66 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 73 71 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 78 76 Warhorn
Carrion Steamcaller Carrion Steamcaller 82 80 Warhorn
Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood 64 62 Axe
Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood 72 70 Axe
Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood 80 78 Axe
Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood 82 80 Axe
Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood 64 62 Longbow
Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood 72 70 Longbow
Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood 80 78 Longbow
Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood 82 80 Longbow
Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood 64 62 Dagger
Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood 72 70 Dagger
Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood 80 78 Dagger
Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood 82 80 Dagger
Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood 64 62 Focus
Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood 72 70 Focus
Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood 80 78 Focus
Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood 82 80 Focus
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood 64 62 Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood 72 70 Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood 80 78 Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood 82 80 Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood 64 62 Mace
Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood 72 70 Mace
Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood 80 78 Mace
Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood 82 80 Mace
Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood 64 62 Pistol
Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood 72 70 Pistol
Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood 80 78 Pistol
Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood 82 80 Pistol
Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood 64 62 Rifle
Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood 72 70 Rifle
Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood 80 78 Rifle
Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood 82 80 Rifle
Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood 64 62 Scepter
Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood 72 70 Scepter
Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood 80 78 Scepter
Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood 82 80 Scepter
Carrion Tribal Shield of Blood Carrion Tribal Shield of Blood 64 62 Shield
Carrion Tribal Shield of Blood Carrion Tribal Shield of Blood 72 70 Shield